
1. Uncertain Deferred Rollforward

Lists Deferred Tax Asset/Liability balances on an item-by-item basis at the beginning and end of the period for Uncertain Tax Positions temporary difference items. It can be expanded to show the components that increased or decreased balances during the period.


2. Uncertain Payable Rollforward

Lists Taxes Payable balances on an item-by-item basis at the beginning and end of the period for all Uncertain Tax Positions items. It can be expanded to show the components that increased or decreased balances during the period.


3. Tabular Payable Rollforward

Lists the required ¶ 21(a) Disclosure report that summarizes the Uncertain Tax Benefit beginning balance, additions based on tax positions related to the current year, additions for tax positions of prior years, reductions for tax positions of prior years, settlements, and the ending balance.


4. Deferred with Future Benefit

Lists Deferred Tax Asset/Liability balances (for temporary differences), along with the benefit amounts accrued on current tax and interest at the beginning and end of the period for all Uncertain Tax Positions items. It can be expanded to show components that increased or decreased balances during the period.


5.Uncertain Journal Entry

Lists a summary of journal entries required to be booked for activity during the period. The report is broken out by Federal and State entries.


6. Uncertain Expense Report

Lists the Current and Deferred Tax Expense generated on an item-by-item basis during the period for all Uncertain Tax Positions items. It can be expanded to show the components that increased or decreased balances during the period.


7. Item Inventory Report

Lists the summary of key data for the issues at the end of the period. It lists the pre-tax amount in question, the amount expected to be sustained, and all other tax components to arrive at the ending Uncertain Tax Benefit, as well as other tax adjustments, interest, and penalties.


8. Item Documentation Report

Lists items, along with their notes and/or attachments.


9. UTP Open Years and Jurisdictions

Lists the required ¶ 21(e) Disclosure report that summarizes open positions by year by major jurisdiction. When expanded, it shows issues for the given year and jurisdiction with a count, as well as the ending payable balance.


10. Schedule UTP Report

This report is based on the definition IRS sent out. IRS requires you to show your maximum tax exposure. The Schedule Uncertain Tax Positions provides you a way to rank the positions.


11. Questionnaire Summary

This report list the responses for each sign-off level for each Unit.


12. Signoff Status Summary

This report provides the unit's status in the sign-off process.


13. Signoff Workflow

This report lists who is responsible for the sign-off of each unit.


14. Impact to Tax Provision

This report lists the positions and their impact in the tax provision and balance sheet accounts, based on the GL Offset Code associated with the uncertain tax position and the settings selected for the current/deferred benefit and above the line/below the line. For more information review the Tax Provision Impact section.