Item Inventory

Gross/Benefit Option

Changing the Gross/Benefit option does not change any of the amounts in this report.



Defaults to contracted, showing only the position, year, jurisdiction, and associated amounts for the position.
The expanded view provides additional information about the position, including resolution, expiration dates, and MLTN response.
+class subclass lists additional details about the Class and Subclass and Comments.
The audit view provides additional information, including Current and Deferred Tax Benefit and Gross Interest amounts for positions.
The audit detail view provides the interest start and end dates (if entered) for the position, as well as the AIQ current and deferred tax and apportionment rates for the issue.
The offset view only lists positions that have been marked NCS or EQ. It shows related information for these positions.
The above the line view lists positions without interest and penalties.
The above the line - interest only lists positions without interest.



Defaults to show the subtotals for each column in the report. Hide removes the calculated subtotals for each amount column.



You may select the benefit view drop-down box in the Item Inventory Report in audit or audit details level to view the report in current or deferred reporting. The option lists the future benefit current or as deferred where the future benefit has been broken out in new columns in the report. Regardless of the view, the Uncertain Tax Position balance in the report will remain the same.


Current: Default view


The following views are available in Audit View, and Audit Details only - Current Tax/Interest Benefit included in Deferred column(s).

Current view

Deferred view

Current Tax (after Benefit)

Current Tax (Gross)

Deferred Tax (after Benefit)

Deferred Tax (Gross)

Other Tax Adjustments

Other Tax Adjustments (Gross)

Benefit from Current Tax

Deferred Tax (Benefit)

Interest Benefit

Interest (Deferred Benefit)

Interest (after Benefit)



Item Inventory Report

2014.0 item inventory report