Uncertain Expense


Defaults to contracted view showing only the Current and Deferred Columns adding up to the Total column. The data can show additional breakout.
The expanded view shows the detail behind the Current and Deferred sections: Current Year, PY Increases and Decreases, and Statute adding up to Current and Deferred Totals.
The Gross + Net view shows the detail and totals for both Gross and Net in one report view.
+class subclass lists additional details about the Class and Subclass and Comments.



Current: Default view.
Deferred: Tax/Interest Benefit appears in Deferred columns and Current Tax Gross appears in Current columns.


Note: This report does not tie back to the Uncertain Deferred Rollforward, and Uncertain Payable Rollforward reports if you have Equity and/or Non-Cash positions. This report does tie to the P/L lines in the Journal Entry report.

For positions tagged as Equity, only the Interest and Penalties amounts can be viewed in the Expense report.
For positions tagged as Non-Cash, no amounts for these positions can be viewed in the Expense report.