User Sign off Roles

Users Roles

Five roles are defined for the signoff process. The following role names are by default and can be edited by a user with Administration rights in the Admin Center.



The preparer is the first signoff level (lowest level) in the signoff sequence and has Read/Write rights to the units that are assigned to the user.


First Reviewer

The First reviewer is the second user role in the signoff sequence and has Read-Only rights to the units that are assigned to the user.


Second Reviewer

The Second Reviewer is the third role in the signoff sequence and has Read-Only rights to the units that are assigned to the user.


Third Reviewer

The Third reviewer is the fourth role in the signoff sequence and has Read-Only rights to the units that are assigned to the user.



Corporate is the final role in the signoff sequence and has Read-Only rights to the units that are assigned to the user.


Multiple Roles/Multiple Users

A user can be assigned with multiple roles and multiple users can have the same role. This enables the user to start and end the sign off process, if necessary. Note that the first user to initiate the sign off process is recorded in the audit trail.


Sequential signoff roles

The system has five defined sign off roles by default. A user with Administration rights can modify the number of roles available. In the Admin Center, the user can choose to have two, three, four or five sign off roles.


Signoff Roles by User

In the Admin Center, click the Users tab and select Export sign off roles to create an Excel file that lists the users and their assigned roles.


System Administration Rights:

A user can have the Admin role as well as other sign off role(s) to administer the program and enter/review data.


Data Entry Rights:

The standard roles (Admin, Read/Write and Read-Only) within prior versions of the program are replaced with the sign off roles.


Admin role:

A user that previously had the Admin role is set to "Admin" which enables:

Admin Center – Full Access.
Uncertain Positions Tab, Data Entry – No Access.
Uncertain Positions Tab, Data Review – Full Access.
Reporting – Full Access.
Sign-Off Options: none.


Read/Write role:

A user previously had the Read/Write role is set to "‘Preparer" which enables:

Admin Center – No Access.
Uncertain Positions Tab, Data Entry – Full Access for Assigned Units in Assigned Datasets.
Uncertain Positions Tab, Data Review – Full Access for Assigned Units in Assigned Datasets.
Reporting – Full Access for Assigned Units in Assigned Datasets.
Sign-Off Options: Commit.


Read-Only role:

A user that previously had the Read-Only role is set to "Corporate" which enables:

Admin Center – No Access.
Uncertain Positions Tab, Data Entry – No Access.
Uncertain Positions Tab, Data Review on – Full Access for Assigned Units in Assigned Datasets.
Reporting – Full Access for Assigned Units in Assigned Datasets.
Sign-Off Options: Commit, Rollback, Revert.