In User Dataset Assignments, you can determine users access to Dataset(s) and then assign them users. You can set up a user to have rights to one or multiple datasets. You can easily assign (1) one user to multiple datasets, (2) multiple users to one dataset and (3) multiple users to multiple datasets by using the Ctrl or Shift keys.
To assign a User’s access to specific Dataset(s):
1. | Select Admin Center in the navigation bar and the Admin Center menu appears. |
2. | Click the "Manage" drop-down list and then select User - Dataset Assignment. |
Manage Dataset Assignment
3. | Select users from the "User Login" list. |
Select User Login
4. | Select the Dataset(s) (to select multiple datasets, hold the Ctrl key while you click each dataset; to select all datasets hold the Shift key and select the first and last dataset). |
Select Datasets
5. | Click Save Assignments. A message appears at the top of the page that the User-Role Assignment Saved Successfully. |