Report Specific Views

Show (Payable, Deferred with Future Benefit - partial, Expense, Journal Entry - partial)

Defaults to all. If you want to isolate a specific component (tax, other tax, interest, penalties, above the line, above the line – interest only, or interest + penalties), you can list a single component.


Detail (Payable, Deferred with Future Benefit, Expense)

Defaults to hide the detail for each line item.
Payable & Expense: Clicking show lists the breakout of tax, other tax adjustments, interest and penalties, and deferred (where applicable).
Deferred with Future Benefit: Clicking show lists the breakout of deferred tax, other tax adjustments and interest.


Group By (Deferred, Payable, Deferred with Future Benefit, Expense, Item Inventory, Impact to Tax Provision)

Defaults to none and enables you to group data in numerous ways. Select one of the options from the drop-down menu.
Item Inventory: Defaults to a unit basis.
Unit options available for the following reports include:
1.Uncertain Deferred Rollforward
2.Uncertain Payable Rollforward
3.Deferred with Future Benefit
4.Expense Report
5.Item Inventory
6.UTP Open Years & Jurisdictions
7.Impact to Tax Provision


View (Deferred, Payable, Deferred with Future Benefit)

Defaults to the contracted view showing only beginning and ending balances. The data can show additional breakout.
Expanded shows the activity during the period summarized by event (change, settlement, statute expiration, and CTA).
The Gross + Net view shows the detail and totals for both Gross and Net in one report view.
+change lists additional details about the increase and decrease of the Change column.
+class subclass lists additional details about the Class and Subclass and Comments.
+cta lists additional details about how the currency translation adjustment affected each event.
+ all lists +change, +class subclass and +cta details.


Note: The Gross + Net view shows the detail and totals for both Gross and Net in one report view. This view applies only to the Uncertain Payable Report.