Batch Print Schedules

You can select Batch Print Schedules in the Action menu to batch print your reports. The Batch Print Options dialog box appears when you select this option. Select the options (similar to the Batch Print Reports box) and then click Print.


Batch Print Schedules

2014.0 batch print schedules


To batch print schedules:

1.Select positions from the Contingencies Table by selecting the check box next to each position code.
2.From the Select an Action drop-down list, select Batch Print Schedules.
3.Select Go.
4.To choose a template: Select a Template Name from the drop-down list.
5.To create a new template: Select the Print Options, Report Options, and Report Selection.
6.Click Save as Template.


Save as Template

2014.0 save as template


7.Click Submit.


Create - Batch Print Template

2014.0 create a template for batch print


Note: You cannot change or delete the Template Name once it's created; however, you can change the options in "Batch Print Options" and save them to the existing Template.


To choose the print options:

1.In Print Options, select the Output Type .pdf or .xls.
2.Select the check box if you want the files Compressed.
Selecting the Compressed option generates a separate file for each report and returns it in a compressed zip file.
Opting not to select the Compressed option generates a single report file, with each report in a separate page (or pages).


To choose the schedule selection:

1.Click the plus sign (+) to the left of the available options to view all available options. Choose Select All to select all of the options.
2.Select the Calculation Support, Item Detail, and Interest & Penalties, as needed.
3.Click Print.


Batch Print Options

2014.0 batch print schedules



The naming convention for Item Schedules when batch printed using the Compressed option is as follows:  Report Name_UTP Code_Year Issue Arose_Jurisdiction_Random Number (Example:CalcSupport_T1000_2001_MA_100916).

Note: A random number is included to ensure no two item schedules are identical.


When Item Schedules are batch printed to Excel and the Compressed option is not selected, report names are shortened. However, the rest of the naming convention remains the same.


IP = Interest and Penalties Schedule
DT = Item Detail Schedule
CT = Calculation Support Schedule


If you batch print Item Schedules to Excel for a large number of positions and the Compressed option is not selected, batch printing automatically switches to Compressed (no more than 50 tabs are added into one Excel workbook).