Add Units

To add a new unit:

1.Select Units from the Manage drop-down list.
2.Click Add and the Add New Units dialog box appears.


Add - Units

2014.0 add units


3.Enter a unique Code and Name.
4.Select the Type, Country, and Currency from the respective drop-down lists.
You can type the country or currency in the respective drop-down list.
5.Enter a Description. This information is optional.
6.Select Save and the unit appears in the Units table. A success message appears in a yellow box at the top of the page showing that the new Units successfully created.


Save - Units

2014.0 add units save


7.Click Cancel, prior to saving to revert all changes.


For units associated with an active dataset, changes cannot be made to the Unit Type or Country. A lock appears to the left of these units.
You can double-click a unit name to edit the "Unit Name." You cannot edit the unit "Code."
If you select USD, CAD, EUR, GBP or JPY as the currency for a unit (from the final drop-down list), the corresponding symbol appears when viewing reports in Local Currency.