Custom Table

You can create Custom Interest Rate tables by using an Excel Template, for jurisdictions that do not have tables pre-populated in the application; these include all NAT jurisdictions other than CAN and GB and all Custom "State" jurisdictions. The template can then be imported into the Uncertain Tax Positions application from the Interest and Penalties tab in the Admin Center.


To access the "Custom Table":

1.Select Admin Center in the navigation bar and the Admin Center menu appears.
2.Click Interest & Penalties and the "Interest & Penalties" table appears.


To manage your Custom Interest Rate tables, select Custom Table from the "Manage" drop-down list.


Manage Custom Table

2014.0 custom table 2


You can create custom rate tables with unlimited rows and reference these tables when calculating interest. You can create the Custom Rate Table in an Excel spreadsheet.


To create a spreadsheet template, you can select Export Custom Table.

Export Custom Table

2014.0 custom table export


You will update and then import the spreadsheet template with your data by selecting Import Custom Table.

Import Custom Table

2014.0 custom table import



You have the ability to create a custom rate table which can be applied to other positions. The custom rate table can have multiple rows. For example, if you create a custom rate table for Germany, you can apply the custom rate table to one or more positions.
Positions with Entered rate tables have an asterisk (*) by the Start and End dates.
The Export I&P icon is unavailable when you are using the Custom Table functionality.